Public Information Services in Courts
Decree of the Head of the Supreme Court No. 2-144/KMA/SK/VIII/2022 on Standards for Public Information Services in Courts
Enforcement Date: 30 August 2022
- Through the issuance of this decree, the provision of public information services will be conducted through: 1) Electronic media via Information and Documentation Services (Layanan Informasi dan Dokumentasi Elektronik – “e-LID”); and 2) Directly through information booths at One-Stop Integrated Services (Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu – “PTSP”) facilities. It is important to note that any decision or stipulation of a court that is released as public information cannot then be utilized as evidence for legal purposes and/or in relation to any request for execution.
- A set of guidelines for the provision of public information services are set out under Appendix I to this Decree. Generally speaking, the guidelines regulate the following aspects: 1) Definition; 2) Rights of information applicants and the obligations of information users; 3) Rights and obligations of courts; 4) Categories of provided information; 5) Implementing actors for public information services; 6) Procedure for the announcement of information; 7) Procedure for the provision of services relating to information requests; 8) Procedure for the censoring of certain information that is part of any information subject to mandatory announcements and information that is accessible to the general public; 9) Objection procedure; 10) Procedure and steps for the evaluation of consequences; 11) Official assistance (bantuan kedinasan); 12) Settlement of disputes relating to information in the public domain; 13) Funding of information services; 14) Timeframes and notices for releases of information; and 15) Reports and evaluations.
- In line with the guidelines set out under the decree, it is important to note that the provision of public information services will only be conducted on business days in line with the following working hours: 1) Monday – Thursday from 08.00 – 16.00; and 2) Friday from 08.00 – 16.30. In cases where requests for information or objections are submitted outside of the official service hours outlined above, then said requests will be processed the following day. However, requests for objections that are submitted on the submission deadline outside of the official service hours will still be processed provided that they are submitted during official working hours.
*This section is provided in collaboration with HukumOnline