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Standard Certification for Construction Services

Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing  No. 8 of 2022 on Procedures for the Implementation of the Fulfilment of Standard Certification for Construction Services in Order to Support Ease of Business Licensing for Construction Service Business Actors

Enforcement Date:  1 August 2022

  • In general, this Regulation addresses various provisions that relate to the certification and licensing of business actors operating within the construction services subsector. Said certification encompasses the following: 1) Certification of Construction Service Business Units (Badan Usaha Jasa Konstruksi – “BUJK”); and 2) Competence Certification for Construction Works (Sertifikasi Kompetensi Kerja Konstruksi – “Construction SKK”).
  • BUJK must follow a four-stage certification process that breaks down as follows: application, payment of fee, verification and validation, and approval or rejection of the certification application. Meanwhile, the certification process for Construction SKK encompasses the following stages: application process, verification and validation, payment of the certification fee, competence test and issuance of Construction SKK.
  • More information on this regulation is provided in Hukumonline’s publication titled “Govt. Sets Certification and Licensing Procedures for the Construction Sector,” as accessible to Hukumonline’s subscribers. For more details on the subscription, please contact Hukumonline’s team at
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